Can the silicone spoon be sterilized in a sterilizer and will it be damaged?

  • baby item manufacturer

The first choice of tableware for children to eat independently is of course the silicone spoon. The main reason is that it is environmentally friendly and soft. Generally, parents will sterilize it before using it for the baby. So can the silicone spoon be sterilized in a sterilizer? It is definitely possible, and putting it in the sterilizer will not damage the surface of the spoon. Because of the high temperature resistance of silica gel, it can even be sterilized with microwaves, ultraviolet rays and boiling water.

baby spoon fork

Compared with adults, infants and young children are immature in all aspects, especially the immune system, which is easily infected by bacteria and viruses. Therefore, special attention should be paid to infant and young children’s products. The spoons that babies often touch need special attention, so how to disinfect the baby’s silicone soft spoons?

1. Sterilize with boiling water
You can choose to use hot water to sterilize, do not boil it directly in hot water, you can put the silicone soft spoon in cold water and heat it to boiling, cook for 2-3 minutes, the time should not be too long, too long will not only reduce the silicone soft spoon During the service life, some transparent objects will appear. The heating time should not be too long.

2. Sterilization of microwave sterilization box
You can also use a microwave sterilization box, put the silicone soft spoon into the sterilization box, and use microwave heating to sterilize.

3. Cleaning and disinfection
You can also use baby-specific detergent for disinfection, wash with warm water and detergent, and then clean it.

Babies are the most important treasures of parents, and baby products need to be treated carefully. Although there are many disinfection methods for silicone soft spoons, attention should be paid to disinfection in time after use to ensure safety and hygiene and will not pose a threat to babies. But in general, baby products should not only be disinfected regularly but also replaced regularly, so as to ensure the safety of baby products and be conducive to the healthy growth of babies.

Post time: Apr-23-2022